ArtsVote: Please Download this Questionnaire

Please return the questionnaire no later than 5pm on Monday, September 22nd, 2003.
C/O: John Watson/Merika Ramundo - Fax: 416-408-3402
or email:
For more information on ArtsVote, visit our website:


ArtsVote exists to encourage artists and arts-workers to vote in the Toronto municipal election. ArtsVote will seek to contact all candidates and provide objective information to communities affected by the arts and cultural
sector on arts-related issues so voters can make informed election decisions.

Candidate's Name: __________________________________ Ward: ________________

Arts Policy Contact: _________________________________________________________

Phone: _______________________________ e-mail: ________________________

This questionnaire will help ArtsVoters understand your position on issues surrounding the arts. PLEASE PRINT.

Section I - Building A & C in Toronto

1. On June 9 2003, The Toronto Culture Division released “The Culture Plan for a Creative City” outlining plans for cultural development

over the next 10 years. What three points of the culture plan do you advocate most strongly? Why? ______________________








2. The Toronto Arts Council received $7.9 million dollars from City Council this year to go towards the arts and cultural sector.

Do you feel this arts funding should:

? Remain the same ? Decrease ? Increase

Please explain: ________________________________________________________________________________________






3. Do you feel the City of Toronto should be contributing to the development or re-development of Toronto's cultural facilities

(Canadian Opera Company, Gooderham & Worts Distillery District, etc.)?

? Yes ? No

Please explain: _______________________________________________________________________________________






Section II – Concrete Initiatives

4. Do you support city-based initiatives that provide affordable live/work space to artists? Please explain.







5. Describe initiatives you would develop to help support arts workers and keep Toronto affordable and viable for artists.







6. How much revenue do the cultural industries generate for the City of Toronto? What are your sources of information?____________





7. Do you support moving the Toronto Film and Television Office from Economic Development, back to the Mayor’s office? ? Yes ? No

8. Do you support filming in your ward, subject to the existing film permit policy? ? Yes ? No

9. The City directly contributes $305,000 to community based arts service organizations (e.g. Scarborough Arts Council ).

What is the city’s role in supporting community arts? ______________________________________________________________






10. Do you support arts education projects in and outside the school system and if so what should the city's role be? _______________






11. What initiatives have you developed, or would you develop in order to share and celebrate the cultural diversity in Toronto's arts

communities? _____________________________________________________________________________________________




Section III - Personal Profile

12. Do you attend arts events in your ward?  ? Yes ? No

If yes, what was the last arts event you attended?_______________________________________________________________

Briefly summarize your experience. __________________________________________________________________________





13. Do you currently, or have you ever sat on a Board of Directors/Advisory Committee for an arts organization/facility?
? Yes ? No

If yes, which one(s)? ____________________________________________________________________


14. What artists and arts & cultural groups/businesses are in your ward? _____________________________________________






For mayoral candidates who have worked for city-council or as mayoral incumbents:

15. What specific initiatives did you institute for the arts and cultural sector during your tenure? When was your tenure as

mayor/councillor? What should the mayor's arts and cultural priorities be in 2004? ______________________________________




For first-time candidates:

16. What makes a good mayoral candidate? What should the mayor's arts and cultural priorities be in 2004___________________






I, (candidate's name) _______________________________ have read and understand the following questions and declare that

the accompanying statements are true, correct, and complete to the best of my knowledge. This questionnaire must be signed by

the candidate and initialled on each page in order to be included in our assessment.

Was this questionnaire completed by the candidate? ? Yes ? No

If not, please state the name, position and telephone number of the person who filled out this questionnaire.
Name: ___________________________ Position: ______________________ Tel: _______________
Candidate's signature: _______________________________________________________________
Date: ______________________________________________________________________________


Thank you for completing this questionnaire.
Please return the questionnaire no later than 5pm on Monday, September 22nd, 2003.
C/O: John Watson/Merika Ramundo - Fax: 416-408-3402
or email:
For more information on ArtsVote, visit our website:

An arts community 225, 000 strong votes for a Toronto City Council that votes for the arts.
Voting Day is Monday, November 10th, 2003
