Memo: from the desk of
Mitchell L Gold
5533 La Gorce Dr.
Miami Beach, Florida





The logic base:  The one liner!

The  Heart of Africa represents the awakening of compassion in the creative city;  beyond triple bottom line accounting principles as we move into the era of holistic thinking.


Memo commentary:

  Compassion does not allow us to see happiness as an individual accomplishment because our experience is so intimately interconnected with all living beings.  We need to look directly in to the nature of our experience,, to look within, and by so doing to  awaken from the illusions that entrap us.  Compassion means listening to the cries of the world


Dualism causes us so many problems..  This lays the groundwork for the understanding of the tool PO.   Each of us has the potential of seeing our world entirely differently.  At any moment each of us has the possibility of awakening.   The above is the philosophy of moving from the FIG (fear, ignorance and greed) paradigm more into a love paradigm.
Briefly:  I am a message carrier for many spiritual elders.  I have been called to Miami Beach - to work on an elders conference which will be the coming together of many elders from around the planet – in particular the World Wisdom Council, and traditional elders of the Americas.  Our intention is to develop common messages to be carried by the drum circle described below:

I am moved to write you to inquire if you might like to play some role in our process. Our promotion activities planned to date are best summarized in this note:

On Earth Day this year we are instigating a world wide promotion that your company / organization may be able to assist, or participate in.

The program is called Heart of Africa.   It is based upon the fact that 27000 children die every day of preventable causes. Our  program  is to have the following components.

1) Date:  October 24, 2008 :  United Nations Day

2) Place: World wide:  acknowledgment at City Halls Worldwide

3) Showcase: renditions of the Heart of Africa in: Song, dance, PHOTO, poetry, Painting, pottery,  Collage, music - highlighted by a 24 hour Drum Circle in cities worldwide

4) Who:  The International Association of Educators for world Peace (IAEWP)  in concert with local groups taking the lead role, including United Nations organizations, and other socially minded organizations, such as: (click for more information)

5) promoting the UN Global Compact, the Millennium Development Goals and the Earth Charter.

The official visual logo of the Event is the Sculpture: Heart of Africa.  Your company /organization can participate in a number of ways:

Have a photo/ art, theater, music, poetry, (artistic expression) project showing interpretations of the Heart of Africa:
Appoint a co-ordinator:   Link with our network'
Develop a Promotion including your suppliers.
Talk on the issues brought forth by this initiative.

Trust this works for you.  Let us know your thoughts


Mitch Gold

P.S This document is being sent to City halls around the world, and we will be organizing with other groups as we develop.