Warm Greetings:

Firstly, I want to congratulate everyone for making the decision to run in this election.  While I do not put a lot of faith in the process, I trust many of you may have some good ideas that you might care to share with me.

Me?  I am running for Mayor.  And I am going to be elected with your help. 

I make this bold statement - because it is a calling.  Depending on your belief, I trust the "great mystery" will see to it that we get the publicity and name recognition necessary to be elected.

You too may get elected if you capture some words from our campaign - they will not go unnoticed.  Go for Gold.  And PO.   PO is a Peace opportunity.  The language and meaning around PO becomes obvious as even Grade 8's quickly understand its value and use.

You can adopt this without hurting your campaign, and in a good way it will assist your campaign.

How?  by connecting to your spiritual beliefs.  Every one has some. Your higher self.  You know that you are not happy with the process of our governance - that is why you are running.   Perhaps you are an incumbent and are just going through the motions as you have at City Hall for the Past three years.  You incumbents all bear the shame of the 2005 Operating and Capital Budget Summary of the City.  Your new Organizational Chart on P18 - is at best a good excuse for bad management.   You may care  to note that there is a $5 billion dollar omission in the structure- - the Police  Services Board -  it is not integrated into the Reporting systems.- and you wonder why we have crime problems in the Community?  The Special Purposes Bodies have their own budgets separate from the City.

Their  new organization chart is merely a shifting of the old process without futures thinking applied - sort of like moving around the chairs on the Titanic - never a better use of this Metaphor.  And who has noticed this????

We should look to the best that is being taught today.

The business schools are teaching their own version of holistic business management - and while not truly holistic it is a great step forward - and the Toronto Governance Structure just does not work within the thought paradigms which is called for marketing purposes - Integrative Thinking   -  Salience, Causality, Sequencing and Resolution.   The Harvard trained Dean of The Rotman School of Business calls this Integrative Thinking.  Definitely not used in the Toronto Restructuring and organizational Chart.

So this leaves us with how do we get elected when the incumbents have so much press  - and no one has heard of most of us.

Identify with Go FOR Gold.    Identify with Excellence in thinking.  when you are speaking to the electorate - ask them - when they vote - to "impress themselves".

That will shift their vote towards the Go for Gold Campaign and our allies.    Most incumbents will not use this language because they are all so wise. They missed a $5 billion dollar plus allocation.

This process keeps us away from the now political party run City government.  We ought to be happy that we are not endorsed by a political party .  Why?  this keeps us clean.

How clean is the guy with the broom?  $710 million dollar contract without a competing quote?  Which political Party ordered that?  Or was it just a whisk of the broom?.

I trust each of you will consider adopting some  of the language of the Go for Gold Campaign as it is peace language.  If you are taking on one of the issues of our day - bless you for doing that.  I cannot get bogged down in any one issue - not even Porter airlines - which I am intending to shut down as part of our election Campaign .  Our Waterfront does not need this airline if we are intending to develop our 2015 bid and the Portlands as a world icon.  - to say nothing of the billion dollar film industry that we will shut down by having airplanes every 10 minutes.  No I will be talking about thinking processes.  How decisions get made.

I will try to stay on the higher ground. 

If you care to share with me your perspective and your issue - perhaps I can shed some light on your campaign too.

It will be through a group of concerned humans recognizing the specialness of this moment in history that we do something rash.

Impress yourself with your decision making process.  I know the guy with the broom cannot look me in the eye anymore. Empty Words  are always empty words.  He cannot change that without our thinking processes.

What does that tell you?

May your campaign go in a good way and may you not have to lower your standards to  be active in the process.

All my relations.


Go for Gold.

P.S.  Let us recognize the skills of Mr Miller.  I agree he is well spoken, articulate and well presented. I would consider hiring him to speak for me - but I would NOT ask him to think for me and that is what a Mayor should do.  Lead with how he thinks.
Go For Gold
Print out my brochure and add the ideas (PROBES) to your campaign. they are common ideas to all areas of the City and will serve you well.

Mitch Gold
First Nations Indigenous Trust
Institute for Global Accountants
