Greeting Torontonians:

My name is Mitch Gold.  I am a candidate in the Mayoral election.  I was born of Russian Jewish parents, and I practiced as a Chartered  Accountant for twenty five years.  I have traveled the world and sought wisdom from elders, and wise people, and count amongst my friends and associates a number of world leaders.  I am a peacemaker, and demonstrated my skill at the Hart House debates last night when the other candidates were afraid to take the stage.   I have won international awards for my thinking and business models.   I want to bring this thinking and business models to our City.  I am being thwarted at every turn by well intentioned people that do not know how to break out  of the "systemic" dysfunctionality of our day.  I do.  I am a teacher of "trans formative thinking processes."  You just have to look at me and listen to me to know that I have transformed from a Chartered Accountant to a Global Accountant.   This is a major distinction and ought to be recognized by those that want to affect the future.  Our processed this evening demonstrated a sort of "deadness".  A tragic regurgitation of what things might be like if we lived in a different world.  We live in NOW.  NOW is what we have to deal with.  These candidates are supported by the editorial Boards of dying newspapers.  You will get the government you deserve.

Tonight's so-called debate hit another low in the process of democracy.

I had the foresight to introduce my self to the audience of about 300 people to bring our website to their attention ( I am quite certain not one person noted it)  and the fact that there were other candidates.  It is amazing that "people just do not care what happens" in their  electoral process. 

But that was not the low.

At the appropriate time, I asked Mr. Miller two questions.

1) would you please tell staff to see that the Rules were followed in the filing of the Nomination Forms.  Mr. Miller refused to answer yes but spoke on another topic.
2) would you please instruct the  Waterfront Secretariat to answer the questions that asked about accounting for the Toronto Islands.  Mr. Milller went off topic in his reply and I tried to get the moderator to have Mr. Miller respond  /yes or no..  Both the moderator allowed  Mr Miller refused to answer the question by not answering the question..

While I do not know what is being hidden, you can be assured something is being hidden.  The TWRC was to have its AGM on November 2, 2006.   I received notice yesterday that the meeting has been postponed until the 15th of November.   2 days after the election.  And we have yet to hear from the Tasse Commission as the Minister is sitting on the Report.  What is going on here?   Are we citizens asleep  - or just plain stupid?

we call this responsible Government.

I call it an insult to the intelligence of the writers at the Newspapers who continue to allow this kind of confusion happen in our city.  we have sunk to new lows.

And I am embarrassed to be a part of this small minded covering up of incompetence.

Mr. Miller had the audacity to praise Shaun Bruce for taking time off from schooling to run in this campaign - would that he and Ms. Pitfield would take time off from their paid positions to Campaign as well.  At least Mr Bruce is honest in his commitment to an electoral campaign while Mr. Miller uses his position as Mayor to politicize his every move as mayor.  I wonder how many things he has brushed under the carpet with his broom.

On the way home tonight I ran into a man and his wife from Windsor.  They complained about the power of the Union has ruined their town.   We must be careful here, or we are going to ruin Toronto with four more years of this kind of leadership.

I have yet to hear one of these leaders explain how they are going to create jobs, new industry, or catch up with the technology that is changing the world.  Our newspaper Reporters are cut from the same cloth, and are confused as to what is really happening.  They are overwhelmed with information and few have had the time to explore even at a superficial level what my campaign might be about.

Corporate Social Responsibility - a term they have heard about but do not understand.  Triple Bottom Line Accounting - what's that?
The Toronto dollar?  how does that work again?  Integrative Thinking  - where can I buy that?

Woe is me.  We are doomed to another four years unless I can get my lawyer to take the papers that are public - put in front of a judge - and have him rule on whether or not the rules have been followed.

I say they have not.  It may not be material to the average Joe - but if you ever filled out a form, whether for a mortgage, a loan, a grant, or a particular benefit - if you had filled out your form in such a sloppy manner, your papers would have been rejected by someone being paid to help you.   Here we have someone being paid to help us - and their opinion is the Mayor, a lawyer, can file incomplete forms and still run for Mayor.  Such is the justice of our system.

as for the accounting for the Islands - I do not understand the reason for the information being hidden - unless there is double billing involved in some of their processes.    Those that are familiar with the term know that our City officials are masters of the double billing process.  I discovered this in  the Bloor Yorkville BIA where double billing accounted for a $624 K fraud when we only had a $1 million dollar budget - and the City auditor let it slip through - even after I had pointed out the area of the fraud and a process for picking it up.    One can only wonder how much of this skulduggery is happening when the Mayor refuses to tell a Department head to give a requested accounting.

May peace be on the spirits of those that choose to lie to the electorate and hide the truth from those that deserve better.

Mitch Gold
Go for Gold Campaign