Warm Greetings

This writing is made the fourth day of November of 2006.  As I campaign for the office of Mayor in the city of Toronto and at the same time carry forth important messages for the people.

Some may not understand that I am following the Path of the Peacemaker - others that look closely will see the connection.

Yesterday was a full day.

I spoke with the Negotiator on the Land Claims in Caledonia - his name is John Nolan.  He was on holiday and could not make any immediate attempt to meet with me.  H told me that I needed to get permission to meet with Chief Alan MacNaughton (Elected Chief) and Chief David General (traditional chief)  and then he would talk with me.

I told him that I speak for 1000 chiefs and I asked him to call a meeting with the Chiefs that he mentioned.  He asked me to identify myself - as nobody can speak for 1000 Chiefs.  I said that I was that nobody.  He misunderstood and thought I was taking insult to call my self a nobody.  I was serious. .  I know too well that one can not speak for one chief let alone 1000.  Yet I have that obligation and huge task.  To be able to speak for one chief is an awesome task.  To have the responsibility of speaking for 1000.  Well it is not believable.  ( if you review the videos on my site you will see that the Chief Shaman of the American Indian Movement is endorsing my activities)

Yes, I speak for 1000 chiefs.  And I do so knowing the traditional ways of the people.

Having said this, I referred Mr. Nolan to the documents that confer upon me that incredible responsibility and right.   He agreed to call a meeting with the Chiefs if what I say to be true is true. when he comes back from his holiday.

Later that day I went to the Justice of the Peace in the City of Toronto - Room 159 and met with his Honour Justice Cresswell.  We talked about the Toronto Elections and the action that I needed to take with regards to the Nomination form of David Miller.  One that must be rejected because it is not filled out correctly.

I think we are of a common mind that the address is not complete.  What His honour is not aware of, and will be on Monday when we meet, is that the Postal Code that is on Mr. Miller 's form is specific to a side of a street identifying numbers between 32-124.    I was surprised myself that there was such a large choice.  Making the form even more misleading then when I first came upon this information.

Notwithstanding, on Monday we will look at the process and determine which legal forms are required to set the matter straight.

Later in the day I went to the foot of Bathurst street where the Toronto islanders were hosting a boycott of the Toronto Island  Airport.  My own reason for going was that I was intending to meet with Caroline King - the former Chief of the Mississauga of the New Credit.  I had learned that she had attended the previous week and I wanted to bring her up to date on my project of developing an Educational Training Program involving First Nations and the Information Technology Industries.  I had had my meeting with the Rotman School of Business, and wanted to Report to her that we had a green light to go the next step.

So it was with mixed feelings when I saw Chief Bryan La Forme there and not Caroline King.  In fact I was elated to see the Chief, as at our last meeting at the Powwow  on the Land of the Mississauga we had agreed to talk again to look at how we might speak with one voice.  This meeting was good.  I learned the depth of conviction of the Chief to look after his people and to not compromise on anything.   I told him that I needed him to come to a meeting with me.  He agreed to attend upon my invitation.  This is a good beginning - even though our meeting had some strained points of disagreement.  After all the Chief says - no one asked me to interfere in these discussions.   He is wrong.  But he will come to understand my heart and my mission when he is ready. 

I know that the Chiefs that have signed on to our trust are standing with me.  I speak for them.  1000 Chiefs.

And when will the Toronto Media learn what it means to carry the Unity Drum of Chief Arvol Looking Horse - when will they ever learn that the People must be heard.  Not as a single Chief - but as a network of Chiefs across the Americas that are saying to the People Inpean!

I trust you who care about what ever you seem to care about will understand that we will not create peace anywhere on the planet, until we do it on our home turf - right here in Toronto the Meeting Place.

I charge each of you who is reading this to look into your heart and determine whether or not we should treat our immigrants better than we treat our First Nations Peoples - whether we should treat our brothers and sisters in Africa better than we treat our own First Nations Peoples here in Toronto.  This is an opportunity to meld the notion of integrative thinking into our process for Mayor.  Forget the guy with the broom, and the nice lady, and the impersonator of Simon Legree - and begin to write about the Peacemaker, and how we can , by working together achieve true greatness of our City - not with the myopic mindsets of lawyers and liars - but with a grand calling - C-a-n-a-d-a.

I ask you the writer, and the reader to understand what it means.  Inpean.

I as the Mayor of this City am prepared to do the task - but I still need your help. 

Such was my day November 3 2006.

Peace, Shalom 

All my relations.

Mitch Gold
Go for Gold

Maybe Porter Air will be my White Stone Canoe. - surely there is one of you there to champion me.