Signs in City Parks - Park Benches

Greetings Parks Department:

As I was walking through my neighbourhood park today, I noted that the City Crews were taking electoral signs down from the park. I asked about this. They informed me that signs are not permitted in the parks or on City Property.

I asked what they did with the signs. They informed me they threw them out.

I suggested that these signs were evidence in breach of the Municipal Elections Act, and ought not be thrown out, that they ought to be returned to the Clerks at City Hall that are in charge of Monitoring the Municipal Elections Act.

I am asking you to follow up on this and to keep me informed as to the repercussions to the candidates who continue (on a daily basis) to replace the signs in areas that they are not permitted to. I also suggest that this could be a revenue building process for the City.

It may be advisable to warn the candidates so they have the opportunity to stop.

To do nothing will make this department also guilty and an accomplice to the breach of the Municipal Elections Act and should determine its actions accordingly.

Thanking you in advance for trying to keep our parks clean from the clutter of Candidate Signs.

I should also like you to know that I have put a sign on every bench in the City of Toronto, and I informed your staff of this. The sign is a Peace Sign (and it is a virtual sign) So when ever you see a Park bench - you can think of Peace and the Peacemaker.

Thanking you for allowing me to have my Peace Sign on the City Benches. ( this was an idea by World Peace Leader Robert Muller when he visited Toronto in 1992.)

May you enjoy the Peace on Toronto City Benches.


Mitch Gold
Mayor Candidate

Go for the Gold