What is your view on the island airport?
I am neutral on the airport but firmly against Porter Airline Business plan.  I am planning a boycott if the Minister of Transport does not rescind Porters Licence.  I need to know more about the safety aspects.   I feel the airport should not be expanded and any losses underwritten by the "heritage" and the PR value of having a small relatively environmentally friendly service. It should not be shut down until the emergency relief it provides is understood  and replaced.
What is your view on the incineration of our garbage?
As for Incineration - there are ways that this can be done - but I would encourage developing a state of the art facility and technology that we could export to other countries - I have concerns when we use the word incineration because it has certain implications with regards to the air quality - scrubbers were only part of a process and not the full answer.

I think the pollution from the 80 trucks a day in old diesel trucks is likely more environmentally unfriendly - but i have not done a study on this myself to have a knowledgeable opinion.  I used to be against incineration but I think with technological inovation it can work and be effective money making process instead of a cost center.  (using the heat and selling the technology)

I do believe in life cycle business decision making and Socially Responsible Decision making using holistic models.

I am not aware of city Officials exploring these concepts - mainly because their thinking processes are different from mine.

I trust this is sufficiently confusing to get your vote.  :-)

Questions on specific issues are not the way to solve problems but rather an understanding of the systems involved and what our desired outcome might be.  I am more for shifting the process of the decision making  - then we do not have to attack the outcome as long as we can feel that the best thinking of the 21st Century is being used - without compromising our integrity.

The existing structure compromises our health and its own integrity with virtually all its processes.

When I am Mayor - you can follow the thinking that I am bringing forth and if I do not follow the principles of leading thinking - then that is what should be criticized.

Thank you for taking the time to write . 

GO For Gold - support my campaign and you will be better off for it.