A little help from your friend - A revised template letter:

Greetings, Toronto Media,

We understand that our associate, Mitch L Gold, is campaigning for Mayor in your City of Toronto as a Peacemaker and carrier of important messages from wise people.

We believe that if we are to have Peace we must plan for peace, do peace business, teach for peace and be a beacon for peace. We believe that the Peace messages and the programs that he is bringing forth have greater value than the position itself.  We believe that the Mayor should be tuned to Peace language and the Peace Education program that Gold is bringing forth, as well as other messages that he carries as a Special United Nations Envoy of the International Association of Educators for World Peace - IAEWP - a Peace Messenger of the United Nations.

It should be noted that Mr. Gold supported Mr. Miller  in the  2003  election campaign with the slogan Go for the Gold - but vote for Miller. We are informed that this support was never formally or properly acknowledged by Mr. Miller, although Mr. Gold’s support saved some embarrassing moments (questions from floor). We do not criticize the current Mayor as he did join the Mayors for Peace Campaign.   However, if we review the information on the Mayors for Peace website - http://www.citymayors.com/canada/toronto.html, we find language that implies much more contribution to Peace than actualized by Mr. Miller.  Of course, the writer of the article has his perspective, and Mr. Miller need not be taken to task for the misrepresentations. The point is: What actions has Mr. Miller actually engaged in?

GO for Gold is a new campaign, NOT supportive of the Miller campaign, as Gold desires to do more than just make empty promises.  Gold intends to bring forth programs that serve world peace. We write to encourage your newspaper/ website to acknowledge the possibilities that might come from explicit coverage of the GO for Gold Campaign.

We believe this is not only democratic, but a right thing to do.

We write this not only on our own behalf, but also as strong supporters of the following:

  1. Establishing of a Department of Peace in Toronto.
  2. Bringing the Great Mind education program to the workers and people of Toronto.
  3. An endorsement of the TOPS program (the One percent solution Program).
  • The development of the Paperless Office Program that Gold is instigating.

We see Toronto as a Tourist-Magnet; its manifest destiny, the Meeting Place. We strongly encourage our friends, when visiting Toronto, to experience Spirit Island - which we understand Gold has actualized, with no support or input from Mayor Miller or his offices. We support Spirit Island being a focal point for the $17 billion-dollar development of your Portlands’Initiative.

We understand your existing process for development is fractured and difficult at best. Solution: Let the messages contained in Gold's ideas facilitate the development process. His expanded, clear vision of development needs to be applied, or Toronto will miss the huge opportunity offered. This is the true Peace Opportunity for Toronto.

We understand Toronto is a World Class City. However, as Gold advises us, Toronto's electoral process, while appearing democratic, rarely gives all the candidates a chance to express their views beyond a superficial acknowledgement. We therefore look forward to reading articles on different perspectives of what Go for Gold stands for in Toronto.  Write well - your future well depends upon it.

Thank you.

In Peace,



Just so you feel better about supporting Go for Gold - here is today’s September 21st 2006 quote from him:  Any "Made in Canada" solution to air pollution must be developed by the federal government in co-ordination with Canada's cities, said Toronto Mayor David Miller. "For example, improving energy efficiency in buildings is something within the competency of municipalities and something we do well," Mr. Miller said.  True double speak IMHO.

and a MEDIA LIST - Toronto

  < adriav@nowtoronto.com>, <alice@nowtoronto.com>, <amayers@thestar.ca>, <andrew.wahl@canadianbusiness.rogers.com>, <anisa@thebulletin.ca>, < bsrm@mirror-guardian.com>, <camsmith@kingston.net>, < cgoar@thestar.ca>, <christina.blizzard@tor.sunpub.com>, < chume@thestar.ca>, <communications@freethechildren.com>, <constantshopper@thestar.ca>, < dnolan@thespec.com>, <doreen@multimedianova.com>, <emcmillan@towncrieronline.ca>, < etg@mirror-guardian.com>, <ethical@sympatico.ca>, < eym@mirror-guardian.com>, <gwynR@sympatico.ca>, < help@canadianbusiness.com>, <hsiddiq@thestar.ca>, < jbarber@globeandmail.ca>, <jbarber@globeandmail.com>, < john.downing@tor.sunpub.com>, <letters@globeandmail.ca>, < letters@macleans.ca>, <letters@metronews.ca>, < letters@nowtoronto.com>, <lettertoed@thestar.ca>, < lmcquaig@sympatico.ca>, <lori@multimedianova.com>, < mcoren@sympatico.ca>, <moment@insidetoronto.com>, < news@nowtoronto.com>, <nym@mirror-guardian.com>, < publiced@thestar.ca>, <rcrew@thestar.ca>, < rick.mcginnis@metronews.ca>, <rjames@thestar.ca>, < rosica@saltandlighttv.org>, <rpenty@ryerson.ca>, < scm@mirror-guardian.com>, <stephen.scharper@utoronto.ca>, <sue-ann.levy@tor.sunpub.com>, < transit@eddrass.com>, <ttalaga@thestar.ca>, < villager@interlog.com>, <ykg@mirror-guardian.com>, " editor@tor.sunpub.com" <editor@tor.sunpub.com>,

Mitch Gold
First Nations Indigenous Trust
Institute for Global Accountants
